I have been contacted by the King County Outdoor Sports Council concerning the "liberalization" of steelhead fishing regulations for some of the north coastal streams; ie Hoh, Clearwater, Quillayute etc. These people want me to write to Evan Jacoby, WDFW Rules Co-ordinator, and tell him what a great idea it is to increase harvest of wild fish on these rivers due to the fact that there is a surplus of harvestable fish. I am naive as far as stock assement for these systems, although I have fished some of these rivers on occasion. I am not a real advocate of bonking steelhead but do like to wack a hatchery brat when I can. My question is two-fold: are these systems really that healthy that an increase in harvesting wild fish is warranted? Also if WDFW maintains that there is a supplus of wild fish and the sports fishers don't utilize their right to their 50% will the tribes exercise their right under "forgone opportunity" and harvest the remaining fish? Any thoughts will be welcome. The King County Outdoor Sports Council is trying to get letters to Jacoby by December 6th.