dont start throwing around the IED terminology, its like using "assault" infront of "rifle"...

it is illegal to posses them yes, to an extent... plenty of people legally posses such materials and "bombs" as you may, but they dont go out and blow people up with them... just as sane legal gun owners dont go shoot up schools and stuff... it has nothing to do with the weapon involved...

if you are going to blame the bomber, then you must blame the GUNMAN, not the weapons he used...

plus another tidbit, you can go buy stuff just as powerful as what went off, and in some cases, more powerful, from tribal fireworks stands... why hasnt the government gone after them immeadiately? why didnt the government go after them after McVeigh? hopefully i dont need to answer that for you...

watch them use this as a ploy to strip reloading powders from the market because they can be used to build explosives like the one that killed and injured so many in Boston...

its the gun powders fault right?