often the Quinaults fish is up for negotiation every year. But dates are usually determined by them, but you can usually check your tide book and determine when they are going to be in, long run in and they will be there. The last couple of years this tribe has mellowed a little, hope this trend continues. Just wish we could stop them from going after the sturgeon during the spring Chinook fishery. We need to find a baby sturgeon in the Chehalis to accomplish this...that would be proof that they breed in the river...right now it is determined that they are all purely migratory. I know this because I found a baby sturg at friends landing one time...abouit 1.5" long and later mentioned it to the person in charge of harvest mgmt at the time and they just cringed and told me if that ever happens again to bring it to them!

Jim Bain
Always have Fun while Fishing!!!
Jim Bain
Always have Fun while Fishing!!!