Report on Sauk for the last week: I'm a Rockport local and fish the Sauk almost every day. Right now the river is low and colored. Yesterday, about a foot and a half of vis. This morning about 3 foot of vis. but starting to color more above 530 bridge and below. Not many fish yet, lots of nice sized dollies but very few steelies. Caught a nice one yesterday and from what I here there doing o.k. on the Skagit below Lyman but those could just be down river fish. As for the mill drift, not much in the way of sweepers, but I wouldn't recomend it unless your an expierienced oarsman. It's all changed and depending on which of the now many routes you take it can be pretty hairy, especially in low water. Simalar in spots to the Sol-duc at one brick and below.
John Koenig
John's Guide Service
"Wounded Warriors In Action" Associate & NW Field Coordinator

"Life is short. Never pass up a hug. Look children in the eye when you talk to them. Bend the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile."