Hey guys, Yahoo here. Well since blackmouth has opened the fishing at my house(point no point)has been really dead!! Their hasnt been really any bait to speak of, and the fish that are occasionally being caught are just shakers anyway. So, I would like to here some reports from other areas, just to make sure that the blackmouth still exsist. Also dont worry about me stealing your spot, I live right on the beach at the point and launch my 10ft livingston off my beach, so i wont be going too far. And another thing, has anybody seen the WDFW site concerning the upcoming season for salmon this year. It is saying that it looks pretty bleak. The numbers are down(how do they get these numbers hmmmmm) so in turn they are gonna start more restrictions. Now I will tell you one thing, if us sport fisherman start getting more and more restricted but yet the indians just keep on netting these rivers for salmon im gonna [Bleeeeep!] myself. If it ever gets this bad the only way i can see the government taking action is for an absolute revolt by sport fisherman(the true fish management team in my mind)againsy indian netting in the rivers!!! Now if lets say 500-1000 people got together on the river bank at lets say the Quilliyute river and stopped the indians from netting, maybe this would bring some attention to the atrosities that are happening right before our eyes!!!!! P.S. sorry about the swear word but I have truly had it!!!!!!!!!!!!!