Originally Posted By: Fishyfeller

If a fish is made in a hatchery is it no longer a wild fish even if both parents were wild?

Correct, by definition.

There is an ever-increasing amount of knowledge on the topic but "discussions" get ugly in a hurry, largely because the average fisherman doesn't know or care to know anything more than how to find the fish in the river and bring it home. Plus, any reading on the topic tends to be both dry and depressing.

Abstract: Accumulating data indicate that hatchery fish have lower fitness in natural environments than wild fish. This fitness decline can occur very quickly, sometimes following only one or two generations of captive rearing. In this review, we summarize existing data on the fitness of hatchery fish in the wild, and we investigate the conditions under which rapid fitness declines can occur. The summary of studies to date suggests: nonlocal hatchery stocks consistently reproduce very poorly in the wild; hatchery stocks that use wild, local fish for captive propagation generally perform better than nonlocal stocks, but often worse than wild fish.