Inexact chronology:

2004, WT (now WFC) settles with WDFW over the hatchery permits (HGMPs) due to the chinook ESA listing.

WDFW drafts HGMPs and sends them to NMFS for review and hopefully approval.

NMFS sends the drafts back to WDFW with notes regarding deficiencies.

WDFW takes about a 40% whack to its budget, losing some staff and even reducing some hatchery production. (some of those lost staff now work at NMFS doing ESA consultations)

Hatchery HGMPs sit on back burner and eventually just fall off the stove entirely.

2014, WFC files notice of intent to sue, and then sues because HGMPs that should have been filed shortly after 1998 and 2007 have never been completed.

WDFW has 2 staff people for all ESA coordination work statewide, and they are busy just handling the day to day routine ESA activities.