and I'd like to add corny that ...those fackers ARE NOT FISHING...They are harvesting/snagging. That is really all there is to it, end of story buddy. The art of fishing implies that you are tricking the fish into biting your presentation, which these guys most certainly are not doing...and if ya had been down there, sure they don't rip 4-6 times per cast..but only cause that would then take them outta the holding water so they have to recast then..

Did I mention how flossers take fish away from OUR QUOTA as well? Bait, spinner, fly..let's just call them ethical guys don't take 20 fish hooked to land their limit...more like maybe 3 or 4 for their 2....flossing/snaggers, now called "Facks" tend to hook a good many more than that before there limit...SO WHATS THE PROBLEM?
Well, glad you asked.. this river observes a 20% mortality (pretty standard for all fished rivers) so let's just take one morning at the lower guard rail hole...5 guys flossing, each encounter (hook up with) 10 fish before they can get their two legal ones and get outta there...well thats 50 fish encountered and 10 assumed to be dead..Those fish come out of OUR QUOTA..shortening our season on the river and fvckin with opportunities for the rest of that just 10 fish outta ONE HOLE, IN ONE MORNING...try thinking about extrapolating that data to the WHOLE RIVER and then think about how those assholes "aren't hurting anyone"...

I don't give two shyts if you want to sit and make excuses for them, just dont fackin call them "fishermen" cause they arent...they are low-class, self entitled, children that's it! and it that makes me an "elitist" well then it shows your true stature in the community and you can kiss the egg goo laden backside of my chestwaders!
Fish gills are like diesel engines, don't run them out of fuel!