Lol. If there erver was a bird that can humiliate ya. It's a friggin ruff grouse. Ya always hear more than ya see. I hunt um with the open choke. Still miss them. Heck if ya decide your gonna shoot them out of a tree then ya watch them fly in a tree 30' away then can't find um. Next to quail, they are my fav bird to hunt. They hold purdy good for a pointing dog. I've seen at least 2 coveys a day and I'm not hunting them. This should be a good year. I ran into a guy on the opener that drove over to the east side and by 11 am was back on the west side in a spot I hunt bears and he shot his 3 in ther and was done by 1. I'm going to do a afternoon hunt today, I should just carry a shotgun. Most the bears I see are under 50 yds.