The Horde was out in force on the lower Humptulips this weekend. They had a canopy tent set up for shade, a big ole' bonfire and a radio blaring. My son counted 12 guys/kids and even "women" standing elbow to elbow and another group roughly the same size sitting under the tent. We watched them for twenty minutes or so- 1oz cannon ball sinker with at least eight foot leaders with a corkie. They were whipping their casts all the way across the river, letting it settle and ripping 180 degrees. Pathetic. One from the group would consistently be fighting a fish when, after an all day drift with plugs and bait, we only went one 1-6.

I have never seen them in this particular spot and it really surprised me after more than twenty years drifting this stretch. When I floated by in front of them, none would make eye contact and had nothing to say. Another boat at the takeout claimed to have taken video and contacted WDLF but I doubt anything was done. I guess the word gets out that fish were stacking in this appt and they all converge.

Edited by JTD (10/13/14 12:59 PM)
In the legend of King Arthur, the Fisher King was a renowned angler whose errant ways caused him to be struck dumb in the presence of the sacred chalice. I am no great fisherman, and a steelhead is not the covenant of Christ, but with each of these fish I am rendered speechless.