Good question Carcassman.

Interesting you post this thread as this has been on my mind a lot lately……one of those mid-life contemplation things. Years ago, it was pretty important to land fish, fill a fish box, etc….Now, not so much, if at all. I still catch my share, more than I need actually so that's not the driver at this point.


I don't need solitude, I require it. When I find it, whether by bank or boat, my day is made. The fish are a bonus. The profession I'm in seems to get more stressful by the year and finding that solitude on a favorite little piece of water keeps me sane.

What's been troubling me lately, and others I'm sure, is I am suddenly locked out of a bunch of water I've held near and dear because of timber companies going to a permit/pay-to-play concept. Many, but not all, of my most treasured solitude spots are now off limits which hits hard, especially during the winter season. It's these places that help me have "a good day of fishing" and I worry some how I am going to still find the fun in more crowded scenarios. I've already quit fishing some water since the masses have migrated to the coast. It's going to take an attitude adjustment I suppose. Some guys roll with the crowds easily. Me, not so much. Nothing worse than being boat #35 in a fleet of 60.