It's NAUGHTY to call people idiots. If you want wolves, we have an abundance of them in Northern Minnesota. I'll have my buddy send you one (a live wolf) to release in Yosemite. He would be more than happy to do so, since he had his black lab shredded on it's yard lead about a month ago by wolves. Let's not get back to the way it used to be argument, or we'll have to quit bitc*ing at each other when they take our computers away.

I do agree however that the seals have just as much right to be there as we do. Just like the wolves. The only issue is that we have replaced a lot of these critters natural predators, and there are cases where they need to be controlled (either relocation or the other alternative). Kind of sad, when we get out foxed by something with a brain an eighth the size of ours. Perhaps their is validity in the point that we don't use our entire brain.

Must be an adult version of pulling the wings off of flies, burning ants with a magnifying glass, skinning lizards, sticking fireworks in the rear end of carp, smashing minnows with hammers, and kicking cats. Whooda thunk it, will we ever grow up?
The best way to be succesful in life is to keep the people who hate you away from the people who are undecided