Originally Posted By: IrishRogue

You seem well informed, and who knows you may even be right. But literally NOTHING gets done if you sit on the sidelines. Even worse, you're booing the guys who are INVOLVED and TRYING TO WIN.



My guess is you are a relative newcomer to the state . It's all been tried . You cannot negotiate successfully from the low ground . The tribes occupy the high ground and the commercials the middle. You might get a vices soon here and there but over time you will see exactly what has happened . The erosion of opportunity one fishery at a time. We have no leverage other than walking away and bankrupting the wdfw. So it's just more doing the same thing and expecting a different result. If I represented the tribes I would simply play the easiest card. I would paint a very emotional picture that a bunch of rich, white guys with expensive boats want to take away the livelyhood of a oppressed group of people. Just like they have for the past 200 years. I would win walking away.
The only thing that has not been tried is to guarantee the tribes and the commercisls the market value of their paper fish each year not to fish. My rough math shows that would cost each recreational fisher $250.

Good luck to you.
Once you go black you never go back