I have been getting skunked EVERYWHERE I've been! It's depressing!

Worked Dupont and the can on Wednesday...salad bowl and no fish OR bait! LAST year by now I was getting 1-4 fish per day and having a good time! THIS year...I musta lost my touch, cause I can't catch a Nook to save my life!!!!!!! I think my boat has an evil spirit on it or something!!!

I have friends that are getting some on the Delta, but not ME!!! What's a girl to do?????????

I've been working at the Narrows Tackle Shop and have seen VERY, VERY FEW FISH brought in this week! I hope this rain will help things out!

Take care all! Remember to sharpen those hooks!!!


[This message has been edited by Fishin Farmgirl (edited 08-18-2000).]
"The best way to find yoruself, is to lose yourself in the service of others."
Mahatma Gandhi