My partner was amazed today as I kept getting hits on my "Bob Ball Secial", a modified brass vibrax spinner (see Great Summer Run Tactic in the Past Tips Section of the Web site). I got hit after hit all day on a heavily fished river near Seattle. Jack Kings, Kings, A Summer Run Stealy, white fish, etc.. all hit this magic spinner.

Another hot tip: How to make a pesky King look like an Atlantic.

1) Dry the gill plate using a towl, rag or dirty sweat sock.
2) Apply extra black marks on the gill plate using a permanent water resistant marker.

Voila!! Atlantic!! (No real kings were harmed for this experiment....)

Next week. What the 3rd oar in a drift boat is used for. (Hint: It is not there in caes you lose an oar. We happen to call the 3rd oar the "OAR OF FREINDSHIP).