Just for fun, I'll tell you all about all the no-no's I committed while curing some eggs last week. In fact, about the only thing I did by the book was to promtly place the eggs in a ziploc bag immediately after opening up the fish. Made sure to keep the water out, too.

After that, it got a little ugly. First, I put the bag with the eggs in the cooler with the cleaned carcass (which, of course, was on ice). As all ziplocs eventually do, the bag eventually leaked, allowing one of the skeins to be completey soaked with freshwater, removing much of the natural orange color. Not a good start.

After that, I gently butterflied the skeins and set them on newspaper. Then, I added some anise scent, some salt, some sugar, and some borax and placed the eggs in front of a fan to air dry overnight. Next morning, I went to work without putting up the eggs, so they spent another day "marinating" at room temperature. When I got home, I found that the eggs had hardened up nicely and smelled, well, like fish eggs. As an added bonus, the Smelly Jelly I had used to scent the eggs, along with the brown sugar, had restored the color that had been lost in the leaky ziploc incident. Satisfied, I threw the skeins in bags and rolled them in more borax, then went straight to the freezer. Will they catch fish? We'll see....

I guess that was my long-winded way of saying "Fish 'em." Good luck. I predict fish will eat them, even if it's not the fish you are after.