I'm curious. If this timetable is not met, does it really mean the end of any future Puget Sound Steelhead programs? I don't understand how these 5 rivers, I guess selected by a group behind closed doors, takes precedence over other rivers in P.S. anyway? Is there anything stopping an organized brood stock program from starting anywhere else? Do listed ESA populations prohibit managed brood stock enhancement programs? From what I understand the early component P.S. Steelhead came from Chambers Crk., a small hardly fighting piece of sht anyway. So start new? I'm no Bio. but correct me if I am wrong, their has to be a population of early fish to work with other than the Chambers stock? One that can be utilized to promote early wild enhancement at the same time providing opportunity. Seems the successful Sol Duc Snider Crk progam comes to mind? I'm in for something like that, not any more Chambers B.S. Please enlighten me!
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller.
Don't let the old man in!