.... well, except Grays Harbor.....

North Coast rivers:

This is summary of the changes to salmon fisheries in north coastal rivers for 2016. More details will be available in the 2016-17 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet, which will be available in June.

The state and coastal tribes both agreed to close salmon fishing in coastal rivers during October and November, the peak months when wild coho return.

The daily bag limit will require anglers to release wild coho in all open waters. Only one adult salmon will be allowed per day except in waters where hatchery fish are released (Quillayute, Sol Duc and Salmon rivers).

Quillayute River system –the entire system,including tributaries,will be closed to all fishing from Sept.1 through Nov.30, with the following exceptions:

The Quillayute River and Sol Duc River (up to the concrete pump station at the Sol Duc hatchery) will be remain open Sept. 1-30 and then will re-open Nov. 16 to allow anglers to harvest returning hatchery coho.

The Bogachiel River below the mouth of Mill Creek will open Nov.16.

The Calawah River below Highway 101will open Nov. 16.


The Hoh River outside Olympic National Park will close to all fishing on Oct.11 and re-open Nov.21.


The state-managed waters of the Queets System will be closed to all fishing Sept.1 through Nov. 30, with the following exceptions:

The state-managed waters of the Salmon River will remain open to salmon fishing through Sept. 30
"Let every angler who loves to fish think what it would mean to him to find the fish were gone." (Zane Grey)

"If you don't kill them, they will spawn." (Carcassman)

The Keen Eye MD
Long Live the Kings!