So I go down to my local licensing dealer this morning to purchase my licenses even though I may not get to fish in Puget Sound this year but in turn show my financial support for our WDFW Department. Karma points, right?

Dude tells me I have to pay the $10 fee for not reporting either my winter or summer's information. Stunned, he asked if I had reported them on-line and yes I says........and he said many folks have been telling him the same thing. My salt-of-the-earth image is ruined forever rofl

Super. Guess I should have written down that confirmation number and carry it around until I purchased the license. Live and learn.

Any one else run into this conumdrum?
Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours......Gordon Lightfoot

Damn Stam!
Remember, Ask yourself "What would Stam do?" smile