My Dad taught me that if you see a wrong, you are obligated to do what you can to make it right; Lots of guys, and I mean LOTS are pissed about whats going on with the fisheries right now. So what can we do?

Let people know what the hell is going on!

Email the papers and the cable news agencies!
Email your lazy overpaid legislatures!
Make up a bunch of leaflets and pass them out on the street corner!
Get the phone book and make cold calls to people letting them know!
Take your boat and park it on the freeway with a big sign saying "I should be spending money in your business!"
Create a web site!
Call in to all the talk shows!
Get all your buddies to gather all your old fishing gear and dump it on the lawn in front of the Dept. of Natural resources!

This is America guys! We were founded on NOT TAKING ANY BS! So why bitch and moan here when there is work to be done!

Here's a sample of one the letter's I sent. This one to Karen Peterson Executive Editor for the Tacoma Tribune:

Ms Peterson,

Do you and your paper have the back bone to tell the truth! Or better yet, to tell the public what politicians don’t want them to know?

Cover whats happening RIGHT NOW with the COHO salmon closure! The Tribes agreed that,due to very poor returns they would not fish commercially! The State CLOSED almost all sport fishing for COHO based on the Tribes negotiations. NOW THE TRIBES ARE COMMERCIALLY FISHING FOR COHO!!! Using fishing methods THAT KILL ENDANGERED WILD FISH!!!!! Where's the coverage????

PLEASE, stop pretending that there is no interest, or this is just to politically sensitive to cover.


Thank you,
"Forgiveness is between them and God. My job is to arrange the meeting."

1Sgt U.S. Army (Ret)