So what does WDFW have to say about it?

WDFW Perspective

Director Anderson’s letter and the WDFW technical
memo address several key points:

• The Chehalis Basin is a unique watershed, and
its natural resources are of irreplaceable value to
Washington State.

• The work group’s recommendations –
to combine an
aggressive restoration program with construction of
a dam and other flood-proofing measures
an innovative approach, but one that also comes
with many challenges. Meeting these challenges
will require continued data collection and improved
modeling; establishment of clear restoration goals
and targets; a large investment in restoration
planning infrastructure; local community support;
and restoration of habitat and ecological functions
above and beyond any dam impacts.

• Based on the current analyses and knowledge of
existing water retention structures, putting a dam on
the Chehalis would have negative effects on fish and
wildlife and their habitat.

• Habitat restoration is needed to reverse the decades-
long decline in salmon populations, and this work
should begin immediately. The department believes
necessary restoration actions will likely require more
than the $120 million currently outlined in the work
group’s recommendations. Further, given expected
changes in climate and land-use intensity through
time, efforts will be required for more than 20 years
to monitor and maintain the watershed’s health

Are these guys nuckin' futs? They assert the river needs habitat restoration, yet support building a dam that they fully admit destroys habitat. What kind of schizo thinking is that?
"Let every angler who loves to fish think what it would mean to him to find the fish were gone." (Zane Grey)

"If you don't kill them, they will spawn." (Carcassman)

The Keen Eye MD
Long Live the Kings!