[quote=FleaFlickr02), it's not a good idea to do that in a communication meant to "clarify" that surfperch are still open.

WDFW communications dept. has been bad about publishing confusing and misleading announcements of late. Hope they shore that up, because they're communicating more and more emergency changes all the time, and it's not good to confuse people when enangered species and citizens' rights often hang in the balance.[/quote]

I'm thinking that "clarify" is not taught in the college classes that many people get in a college degree.

For sure, WDFW has a recent history of "publishing confusing and misleading announcements" has been on the increase the past few years".

I went to college 1964-1964, majored in Business.....in any of the writing classes I took.......the "KISS" philosophy was followed......Keep It Simple Stupid !!!! To this day I try to follow that!!!!!

Don't try to Wow people with pages of bullshxt.....KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!!!
"Worse day sport fishing, still better than the best day working"

"I thought growing older, would take longer"