I find it funny that if you even ask a question or question a process or procedure by WDFW it takes about 30 minutes before someone wants to shut you down with ridicule. Why?
There are a lot of people with talking points but its funny nobody can answer the question asked.
I say the Tribes don't need to lift a finger just send these folks to NOF and they will negotiate the Tribes a favorable deal courtesy Piscatorial peanut gallery!

BTW I get it, if you come down on the side of conversation your the good guy, your the internet hero, even if it is junk science intended to keep the only selective fishing group off the water, your smart because you use the word salmonids and reference this study or that finding.

I know most sportsmen are great conservationist and care more about saving the fish and environment than the Tribes ever will.
Stop treating anyone who questions the processes or data as a criminal trying to get one over or acting underhandedly.