Ned. Sounds interesting but never work. There are seasons (generally spring) for smolt releases although some species also have later summer/fall but survivals are different.

As for fishing, your idea would work IF all fishing was terminal (bay/river). Otherwise, the co-mingled wild stock would get hammered as it does now anyway. Your idea of either/or is, in fact, the steelhead model as fisheries for them are terminal. It would mean writing off stocks in some systems and the political system won't do that.

As to the Tribes, they are confined to their Treaty-mandated area. So, lets say we plant the heck out of the Green, Cedar, and Puyallup; get huge returns of coho and Chinook back. The Skagit, Stillaguamish, Snohomish, and Nisqually would be purely wild. Some tribes would get lots of fish and others much fewer.

WDF actually proposed something like that with shellfish. As background, the WDF shellfish staff studiously stayed out the "Salmon Wars"; didn't learn the details. When the tribes got shellfish, the staff proposed developing a few beaches for the tribes where intensive culture would load them with harvestable animals. They were amazed that, say, the Suquamish were unwilling to welcome the Lummis with open arms to did on their beach.