Sand shrimp/prawns can be used in the following manner, if you are using spinners........probably would work on other ways for salmon and steelhead...

Found spinners, this past year, caught on wood in the Chehalis below the Satsop River....think they were rigged for use by "guides"..

1. get some pipe cleaners

2. put one end thru "eye of the hook"

3. wrap down shank, until about the curve.

4. because of the wire in the pipe cleaner, it will stay in place.

5. get some thread, put bait against pipe cleaner, wrap thread around bait, using "half hitches".

The pipe cleaner will hold bait in place........could even add scent to the pipe cleaner......

I changed to prawns 20 years ago......I could buy and put in freezer, so they were there if I needed them......AND they just stayed on the hook better....

Now the pipe cleaner could be a better way for sand shrimp ?????? Seems to work for guides.....
"Worse day sport fishing, still better than the best day working"

"I thought growing older, would take longer"