Most of the Chinook commercial harvest in WA is tribal. Since at least the 70s, and probably before that, the rec side was given primary access to Chinook in WA. This was even somewhat codified in Initiative 77 that kept nets out of the non-Fraser parts of PS until September.

Boldt allowed the Tribal fisheries inside but WDF still emphasized that recs got first crack at Chinook (outside of the Fraser incidentals). These fisheries were primarily ocean, Straits, and black mouth which meant, post-Boldt, that the Tribes were often the only one's who could fish adult Chinook. As Smalma has often noted, shifting the harvest inside requires more nets (or higher escapement goals) as there would be too little time to hook and line the adults.

By the 1980s, coho had been added to the rec priority. They were abundant enough that there was sufficient surplus for the nets but, overall, the recs got first crack at Chinook and coho while the nets got first crack at sockeye, pink, and chum (Lake WA sockeye being an exception).