All good points!

Yes It should be illegal to sell/buy ESA listed fish!

Yes the tribes are immune, but if it was illegal to buy ESA listed Chinook it would be problematic!

As far as the Alaskan and BC fishers...... start by stopping the Washington commercials, it would save some fish and its a great start.

Bay wolf thank you for all of your efforts!!! That was a great effort to get the negotiations open.. I cant say enough.... The effort was the closest we have had to any major change with the status quo

The tribes are too powerful with casino money, the one party rule in Washington have allowed the tribes to own just about every one....
It just seems so ridiculous that you can go buy an ESA listed Chinook to throw on the barbeque but they are going to put a 10 year ban on selective fisherman paying to fish for hatchery fish...

The spotted owl shut down logging, loggers had to adapt and find another profession. There are bans on ivory in many countries.

Is this a bad idea? could it work? thoughts, ideas?