Just listened to a news report about Gov Inslee signed an executive order forming an Orca protection task force. The next few years could be real interesting. The Tribes say they are board. The question, on board to get recs off the water? Or, mass produce hatchery Chinook. The latter is something they could probably get away with, even under hatch vs wild ESA restrictions. Other restrictions could come to regulate water/shipping commerce, something IMO would be difficult, clean up storm water runoff pollution, super expensive, boat speed limit and protection zones w/ more enforcement. The report mentioned that historically the population has been lower than now and bounced back. My take is we are at a low point in the population cycle. Species populations in nature, other than humans, always find equilibrium based on their environment. Possibly this is what is presently occurring. Trying to be an optimist, I really hope some way we can get more PS Chinook out of this. Chinook that will stay inside PS.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller.
Don't let the old man in!