Originally Posted By: NickD90
What's this thread aboot? grin

Ya'll sound like Canucks the most - sorta. More of a western sounding Canuck than an Eastern sounding Canuck. Like a weird Canuck and Cali West Coast hybrid thing going on. It's NOT upper midwestern which is very nasally and sloooow. You pronounce your "H's" and "R's" which is a dead giveaway that you aren't upper mid western. But your "O's" can be kinda fvcked up sometimes. Your pitch, tone and cadence are all standard middle of the road.

Oddly enough, I'm from that one area of the country (CO & NE) that doesn't have accents per a bunch of studies. I hear accents a mile away and I pick up accents like nobody's business - I guess because I'm used to no accent which is boring and dry. Because I've lived all over, I'll often mix in some deep southern with some upper mid west and a Texas drawl. I've left more than my share of folks entirely confused. I don't know.

Nice breakdown, Nick.
How 'bout some examples of "H" and "R" words ?

I think some of the BC accent is leaking down on you 206ers, eh ?
There is a "Northern Tier" accent that runs all the way from from BC to (inland) New England. (Ohio/Indiana excepted)
I'm from MA and people thought I was from BC when I first came out.
I meant oot.

I rarely hear any of the Northen tier accent down here.
There is a Willamette Valley accent that is one of the greats, but it is dying out. There is an Eastern Oregon that is similar.
Those are what I think of as a PNW accent.