We all agree the answer to fisheries, orcas, ESA , and other related problems is mulit-faceted. What are you thoughts about food source?

We hear about the blob, ocean conditions, things we maybe can't control or will take years to fixed. I've thought of curtailing herring harvest. I know commercial only takes a small percentage, but maximizing food source is key for all aspects.

If an orca eats all 6 pound fish now, but with better food source (herring populations) we get that salmon to 7 pounds, that orca's diet (in pounds/calories) just went up 16%. Sure, some fish migrate, but bigger local stocks (blackmouth) and more food all the way around can't hurt the issues.
If we have ore salmon from pinniped reduction, hatchery production, and areas closed to harvest, what are those fish going to eat?

Or is this insignificant?