Sorry for the late reply, but I have'nt been able to get around to posting more on this subject the last few days... Yes, Aunty, I see more people converting to the muslim faith, as a matter of fact one of my newest customers is a convert to the "ONLY TRUE FAITH"! This guy has abandoned his family and heritage, it seems because he lacks the ability to form independent opinions and convictions, and this inability has FORCED him to adopt a religious belief that allows that all followers of the "TRUE FAITH" be nothing more than mindless, spineless sheep, to be led to their own slaughter by nothing more than zealotry and pagan idolatry, rather than having to adapt to what we all have been able to adapt to, the modern, western way of life.. That being said, I have to admit that living in our modern world is no piece of cake,(a daily struggle, to be sure), IMHO, Islam is nothing more than an excuse to be as mediocre a person as you can possibly be, with a minimum of effort. I know that some of my opinions may seem extreme to some folks, but I am not so wrapped up in my beliefs that I would willingly become a suicide bomber or hijack an aircraft to punish other people who do not posess the "herd beast mentality" that is required by Islam.. Let the flames begin! \:D
AKA Knuckledragger