Below are 4 of the slides shared with us by WDFW about the salmon forecasts in 2024 for Puget Sound and the coast. I've written extensively about it here: Puget Sound Salmon Forecasts 2024

The bottom line is that there's gonna be another solid set of seasons in Puget Sound, likely similar to 2023. Coho looks really strong this year and Chinook is decent. The biggest challenges are going to be working through the issues caused by the weaker natural origin chinook stocks and making sure the BS from 2023 during our Marine Area 11 and 10 seasons doesn't occur again in 2024.

There are a lot of really good folks from the rec angler community working on these issues though, so I'm cautiously optimistic we are going to have some solid fishing opportunities in Marine Areas.

Also, the ocean is looking good again due to a solid run of fall chinook and coho on the Columbia River. Can't wait!