Had to share this one.

This morning my dad and I launched at Armeni at 5 AM and slogged through a small chop out to W. Point. As we headed north the wind was picking up, and it stayed a little sloppy the whole time we were there. Got the gear down in the water at first light and started trolling. Out of the gates my dad hooked three shakers in a row in the first 20 minutes.

Continue fishing, drink coffee, blah, blah. After about an hour I get a nice takedown. I don’t think it popped out of the clip, but I grab it and reel it in to at least check my gear. I look at the trailing 4/0 hook on my hootchie and there is a perfect salmon eyeball! WTF! Weird. Laugh about how it probably isn’t going to be biting for a while. Drop the gear back down, take over steering, literally a minute later I have a fish that does pop out of the DR clip. Fish on! I fight it to the boat, all four pounds of it. Get it in the boat and this fish is bleeding bad. It was like I hooked a gill raker but it was hooked firmly in the lower jaw. Give it the wood shampoo. I get ready to put it in the box and notice it only has one eye. Crazy ho.

I have caught hundreds of silvers, but I’ve never had this happen. What kind of sick fish has its eye ripped out, then immediately goes after something? Anybody else have this happen or is this a one in a million shot?

Finished at 10:30 with 2 fish, and lost a third. Sorry no pics
