Saturday the 8th of september, there is a Cast For Kids event at Gene Coulon park on Lake Washington. you simply need to show up with your boat and the kids will ride with you. There is a parent along as well. These are disabled kids of which many have not fished before. they will be outfitted with a new rod and reel, tackle box and a life jacket. our job is to provide the boat ride and the fun. It doesn't matter what kind of boat you have, 12' aluminum-28' grady white. the kids don't care. here is the email I got from Jim today. Can anyone help?


A week from tomorrow is this year’s CAST for Kids event on Lake Washington at Gene Coulon Park. We still need a few more boaters. We have 40 special needs kids signed up and only enough boats for about 24. We need at least another 10-12 boats to take this kids out.

For those of you that have already signed up – Thank you so very much. It is really appreciated. For you others that have not as of yet, please consider doing it now. We really need your help. Please e-mail or call and let me know.


Jim Owens

Executive Director, C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation

297 SW 41st St., Renton, WA 98057

P: (425) 251-3214

Catch A Special Thrill

I will be there so if you have any questions, please ask
