We need your help to get Miranda Wecker, chair of WDFW Commission senate confirmed. She has been instrumental in leading our commission down the right path. With her leadership we have done a lot of great things for the citizens of Washington state.
Stopped unjust bottomfishing closure in Neah Bay, twice through WDFW Proposal process
Implimented new Puget Sound Crab Policy
Implimented new Puget Sound Shrimp policy
Moving the gillnets off of the mainstem Columbia River.

We have helped mold what now has become todays commission. Many of you might not know how much work our organizations have put into this over the years to get where we are today. We have the real chance to finally confirm Commissioner Chair Wecker with a sport fishing friendlier Senate Natural Resource Committee. Much of our opposition does not want her confirmed. It is important that you do this today! I have been informed through internal feedback we need to do this and push this through. The next governor can fire any unconfirmed commissioners to put their own on. This confirmation will protect her from this.

Please send your message now and click on the link below:
Join the Puget Sound Anglers Sno-King Chapter. Meets second Thursday of every month at the SCS Center, 220 Railroad Ave. Edmonds, WA 98020 at 6:30pm Two buildings south of the Edmonds Ferry on the beach.