Fished it for the 1st time this year. What a Joke. Got there Saturday morning. Shoulder to Shoulder. Rigs everywhere. Boats everywhere. Get a spot and see someone I know release a fish. I asked why? He said you have to Release Wild Salmon in the Park. New Rule this year. Park did a poor job of letting people know. There is Boundary on the upper end of Richwine. Kind of hard to see.

From there it went downhill. Lots of Wild fish kept. Some guys cut the Head & Tail off so you couldn't tell. Some caught fish and filleted them immediately. Some didn't care and just put them in their Rigs. Some took 6+ Wild fish. Lots of people pulled them onto the bar. 5-10 ft out of the water, didn't have pliers, struggled to get the hook out, then kicked the fish back across the bar and into the water.

There were people who obeyed the rules. It was a 50/50 mix at best. No enforcement.