Went to Alaska to visit family. We caught a bunch of bottom fish and then spent some time in the rivers.

We were about 2 weeks early for the silver run, and the rivers were stuffed with pinks. It was challenge to get the target species. This actually made it pretty enjoyable for me, in that you couldn't just throw a lure or fly into the meat of the hole and hope to catch a silver because it would just get grabbed by a humpy. Or worse; you could snag one in the dorsal. The trick was to figure out where the humpies had forced the silvers into little pockets or behind boulders. This was pretty easy because the water was clear enough to see the silvers. It didn't show up well on the GoPro but on the video I see the silvers that I am hooking. I used a grill mount for the camera, this is probably the best way I have found to use a GoPro. I think the view is better than from the head mount.

I had a blast hiding behind a tree or stump watching how the fish reacted to my fly or jig. A lot of bow and arrow casting was required.

On the first day in the river a chum grabbed my 'hareball leech' and while I was trying to tame it I broke the handle on my fly-reel. So I borrowed a reel from my uncle. It was a comically small trout reel with no exposed portion of the spool, so I just fought all of the fish by hand and used the reel to hold the line. Still fun and the rivers were pretty small so it was pretty easy to do.

Here is the video:

YouTube Link - I can never embed.
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