I had an incident recently that I would like to gain some knowledge on. I floated the wynoochee and beached the boat hopped out with my waders on and began to fish the run. A few casts in a man and woman came down with there poles and told me this was private property and told me to move on. I politely obliged and went on my way. But was curious if they legally have the right to do so. I was standing in the water the entire time. I looked at the navigable river map and there is nothing definitive on it; listing the wynoochee as "probably navigable". Do property owners own the river bed? Is it legal to fish there if the only thing touching "their" property is my anchor? I have never had this experience before and only assume it was due to the amount of people out and about on the river. I am wondering if anyone has any legal clarifications on this or can put me to someone with the state or wdfw(enforcement?) to get a better understanding of this.
