A lot of guys have told me they can't participate in the Commission meetings because for the most part, they are held on weekdays, when most people have to work. That might explain why I have seen the same ol' crowd all the time. So I'm just curious, if the Commission held their meetings on the weekends, would more of you attend?
What day(s) of the week should the Commission hold meeting to increase your participation? You can choose more than one.
Multiple choices allowed (78 total votes)
Saturday - 36 (46%)
Sunday - 20 (26%)
Monday - 0 (0%)
Tuesday - 1 (01%)
Wednesday - 1 (01%)
Thursday - 0 (0%)
Friday - 5 (06%)
Any day of the week - 5 (06%)
Doesn't matter to me - 10 (13%)
Voting on this poll ends: 03/14/19 04:43 PM