On the recommendation of my favorite fly shop, I rented a couple of the Lani Waller 3M videos from the late 1980s. I loved them--I'm a beginner and this is the kind of instructional video I would really like to own so I could pop it in whenever I have a few spare minutes (but not enough time to hit a river). Those specific videos are out of print, and I've searched high and low since last year, but nobody seems to have copies for sale (I found one and ordered it from Goodwill, believe it or not--unfortunately it was stolen from my porch).

Can anyone recommend a similar quality video? I need something with good instruction. DVD would be nice, but I'd take VHS.

Thanks for any recommendations you all may have!
Do not tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish.
--Mark Twain