Gents, Amber's rainbows are really turning on as the temps continue to warm and solid hatches begin to materialize. This lake continues to amaze me year after's fish are big, willing and powerful, with more than sufficient numbers despite relatively light stocking. A partner and I fished it yesterday from 10:30 to 5:30. At 11:30 the first of several hatches came off. In the next 6 hours I must have had nearly 100 takes...I KID YOU NOT! Of these 25 fish or so were brought to net, 40 or so were hung/lost and at least 30 were outright missed. Den had nearly identical numbers except he landed more like 35 fish! It was one of the longest sustained feeds I've seen at Amber. Several fish were 19-22" with average being 17" or so. The large fish were especially tough to land due to shallow water and heavy weeds, with several snapping us off. All were on chironimid patterns with the hottest numbers being chromies and small black zebra midges in sizes 14-18. Get out there if you can....they're really beginning to peak! Good luck