I decided to take advantage of the weather and get out on a lake today. The day started sound slow with cold fog and sluggish fish.
Once the sun came out a nice midge hatch started popping off and the fish put on a better show fight wise.
I ended up with a little over a dozen fish to hand. Best fly for me today was a size 14 dark red v-rib pupa with a white bead.
I throat pumped a few fish and found small black and green chironomids, daphnia and small pale peach colored scuds. It looked like some of them may have had eggs due to the orange belly color.
I also sucked a 3" leech out of the throat of one bow that must have just eaten it as it was still wiggling.
A few of the fish looked like they had encounters with eagles.
Once the fog burned off it was about as nice a day as you can ask for in early March.
Here are a few pics from today.

Lakes 071.jpg

Lakes 059.jpg

Lakes 060.jpg

Lakes 065.jpg

Lakes 055.jpg

Edited by stonefish (03/09/13 11:03 PM)
Go Dawgs!
Founding Member - 2023 Pink Plague Opposition Party