The more I get involved, the more I talk to people, I get confirmation that a strong political organization is the ONLY way to bring real change to our management and the ONLY way to preserve angling opportunity for the future. You can talk to people in the agencies until your blue in the face and you may or may not get any results.The politicians have the real power and they are the ones who we need to be getting our attention. Their is NOTHING that can not be accomplished when you use the political process, especially considering that we have close to 400000 licensed anglers in this state. If a good chunk of those 400000 are organized into one voice, that's political clout that every politician in the country will have to listen to, even the ones outside of this state.

Announcing 2 more meetings of Recreational Fishing Alliance, Washington State Chapter. Eventually we will have a more regular and
predictable meeting schedule, but since executive director is making time to travel out to Washington State to give people insight into the role of the organization, that's when we will have these meetings. We have meetings scheduled for Friday July 6 in Seattle, and Saturday July 7 just outside of Sequim. These meetings are free and open to the public.

I am not exaggerating when I say that the long-term existence of our sport is at stake. Please consider coming to hear what we are offering.

For more on the meeting schedule, visit:
Mike Gilchrist