It’s a common perception on this BB that providing specific fishing information (e.g., where, when, and how) will result in a corresponding increase in angling pressure on a specific river. The posts on a recent thread on “Misleading information (lying)” and the large number of “zipperlip” rivers seems to reinforce the prevailing theory. However, I’m not sure how true this really is.

For example, over the past couple weeks, there have been numerous reports about lots of fresh coho being landed on the Kalama River. Willierower posted a tantalizing thread about his recent trip down the Kalama. Several other folks chimed in with similar threads regarding the Kalama. So when I fished the Kalama River last weekend, I was expecting a heavy crowd, if not combat conditions. However, I fished on Sunday morning starting at 7:00am in a hole that holds lots of coho. The fish were there but I was alone. Nobody was there. Nobody. Given the wealth of information on this BB regarding coho on this river, I was quite surprised. And puzzled.

So what’s your point Cohoangler?

My point is that providing specific infor-mation on this BB regarding where what, when, and how may NOT result in a corresponding increase in angling pressure. If you don’t agree, that’s okay. But ask yourself this - How many times have you decided to go fishing on a particular river at a particular time based on the info you get on this BB? Conversely, next time you see hords of anglers on a particular river, take a look at the recent threads on this BB to see if there has been any information to indicate that’s where the fish are biting. My guess is that the correlation between numbers of anglers on a specific river and the information provided on this BB is just about zero.

I’m sure this view is likely to incur the wrath of my fellow anglers and I understand why. It’s probably not going to change anyone’s opinions regarding the amount of specific information they provide regarding the rivers they’re fishing. But if anyone chooses to provide specific information, my view is that it’s not likely to affect angling pressure (positively or negatively).

So, Cohoangler, will YOU be providing specific information on your fishing success in the future on this BB?

My answer: Yes I will. But will anyone else? I’m not holding my breath.......