As you saw by the topic, I left my vest at Modrow Bridge, Sunday 10am. Discovered the loss this morning as I was unloading my camper. Nothing that can't be replaced, just a lot of winter/summer steelhead gear; spoons, spinners, plugs, flies, leaders, floats, side planer, etc.

I really enjoyed the float Sunday morning, I want to thank everyone for their posts on this site. Camp Kalama (Dave) dropped me off at the public access above beginners & I floated to Modrow where my wife met me, a liesurely 4 hrs & 30 min. Talked w/ several friendly people on the river (I was in the blue pontoon boat), saw one person fishing & picking up trash (way to go). I made my best attempt at a few sited fish, but no luck.

Really enjoyed the visit!
