The last couple of weeks I've had an opportunity to try the new Steelhead floats from Thill. Normally I don't get too excited about floats. I use them to keep my jig at the proper depth and to tell me when I've got bit, but these new floats are awesome! I tested them head to head with a number of other floats and they were by far the best. They were designed by Steelheaders in the Great lakes region who were looking for a quality float. The design somehow keeps the jig tracking right under the float much better than any of the other floats I tested. It's also easy to move up and down the line and you can put them on or take them off without removing the jig. I spent this morning fishing my usual float most of the morning(without a bite) then switched to the Thill and landing 2 nice fish in 45 minutes. Due to the low clear water conditions I was able to watch how the jig tracked under each float and the difference was surprising! The only float I'll use from now on.

Fish the best.....Rainbow Jigs!
G.Loomis Pro Staff
Auburn Sports and Marine Pro Staff
Savage gear/ Pro Logic