Now that's I've managed to break my one and only Lamiglass "Certified Pro" rod over the weekend, anyone care to tell me what I should do next? Aside from Superfly yelling out "Get an Allstar", I'd kinda like to send the rod back to Lamiglass and see if they will replace it. If not for free, for a small fee.

Anyone tried this with Lamiglass? It's probably a 10 year old rod, so I doubt I can say it's under warranty.

The rod snapped (violently) in half when I went to set the hook and free the line off of the down rigger. Damn top half of the rod somehow managed to whip back, crack me in the head, and break my pair of Smith Sunglasses in the process! Oh well, at least we managed to land and bonk that fish!

Anyone have a phone number or address for Lamiglass? Should I even call them, or are they going to gaff me off?
Tule King Paker