Time and time again I have noticed poor etiquette on behalf of new or first time posters. Guess what, I was one who made the same newbie mistake.

Here are some helpfull hints for you Lurkers out there who would like to join our community.

1. We would be very happy for you to join! More info and input makes for a better board. Sure, there may be a few cliques, but I have not met a single fellow from the board who I wouldn't like to meet again.

2. Make you first post non-contraversial! Say "Hi", report a local success, provide us with a nugget of your knowledge.

3. Get a feel for who the different folks are on the board by conversing with them. Some folks I consider very conservative on fishing issues, like RichG and RPetzold. These guys care a lot about the resources that we fishermen, and fisherwomen, exploit. (Conservative is not a bad thing guys, just a different view.) Others are a wealth of knowledge, like RT, FJ, Gooose, Stlhdr1, Seacat, Smalma, Parker, Jeffhead, and a few others. Some guys are goofs, like me, Dave Jackson, and our buddy "Hedgehog".

4. Please don't bash someone in your first post, especially someone who has contributed a lot to either this board, or to fishing in the Northwest. We don't want any of that crap here. Leave the personal vendettas for Blue Creek. There have been a number of first time posters who within their first week have basically offended the entire board. I wish to save you this pain. Some of the memorable ones were Dogfish, (me), when I railed on Cowlitzfisherman, 4x4 when he railed on Keith aka Stlhdr1, and Hedgehog who went off on both Cowlitzfisherman AND Buzz Ramsey (Bob, what is it about you that attracts flamers) . I could go on, but you get the idea.

5. Most importantly, bring your sense of humor. Self depricating humor will generally give you license to laugh at others. If you laugh at youself first, then you may be granted the right to laugh at others. Let's have fun here, okay?

6. Offer to take someone fishing or make it a point to make it to a "Floatilla". This is an excuse for a bunch of us gear whores to get together, show what we know, and make a connection with the person behind the moniker.

Go catch a fish. Please.

"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

The Discover Pass is brought to you by your friends at the CCA.