We have had threads recently about best fighting fish and strange ways to lose a fish. How about your hardest hit?

For me, I think of bass that have exploded on top of surface lures, Atlantics at Hosmer Lake that have almost ripped my 4 wt out of my hands, steelhead that have hit my spinner going upstream while I was retrieving downstream. My hardest hits, though were from Bluefish. My aunt used to have a 36 footer on Long Island sound. Every summer, before school resumed, we'd go out for a week of boating, swimming and fishing for bluefish. One year, the blues were schooling heavily off Norwalk and were eating sand eels. A 3 oz Diamond jig worked off the bottom would fool these fish. I discovered, however, that by reeling as fast as I could once the jig hit bottom, that the fish would strike more frequently and violently! laugh There was not an individual fish that stood out, it was all of them. You'd let the jig hit bottom, pause a few seconds, then reel as fast as you could..........WHAM!!!, Fish On! After a few jumps and a lot of bulldogging, you'd cast again, let it drop, pause, reel fast......Wham! Fish on! We did this 3 afternoons in a row and caught over 100 between the 3 of us. If you ever get a chance to fish for them back east, They rock! laugh

How about some other hard hitters?!
If every fisherman would pick up one piece of trash, we'd have cleaner rivers and more access.