OK, we listened, we checked and now we are announcing the date of the next floattilla. The outgoing tide ends about 2:30 or so. (I am trusting Jack on this). The event will be held in the Columbia River near the mouth of the Lewis River and the town of St. Helens.

At about 3pm, we will meet at Sand Island for an informal gathering to share stories and to meet each other and weigh in your catch.

You will need to bring your own food, plates, drinks and what ever to the festivities.

Those with last names ending in the letters A through M bring a salad to share...those from N to Z bring a dessert.

We will have a weigh in for the heavest Spring Chinook for bragging rights. ALL FISH MUST BE WEIGHTED IN BY 3:30 PM TO COUNT...NO EXCEPTIONS Fish caught on April 13th are only eligible..(please respect this rule)

We will weigh the fish from Wa and Or fishers to see who has the most overall weight. This will put an end as to who has the better fishers.

If you have a bbq that is portable, let me know as we will be needing a few for people to cook on.(I NEED TO HAVE SOME VOLUNTEERS HERE PLEASE...)

If you have any prizes or know of anyone who has any door prizes they would like us to share with those in attendance let me know.

When we get closer to the date, I will post a sign up sheet so we can see who is in whos boat. Also, if conditions should change, such as water conditions, color, nets, or any unforseen circumstance we reserve the right to change the date and location (Jack's tub where he will have 10 springers swmimming).

I would like to thank the PP and Ifish administrators for their support by allowing us to announce this event on their bb's. If they would like to contribute any door prizes or volunteer their services, that would be appreciated as well as any one of you out there that can enhance this experience for all...

Giz... smile